«The world’s longest dreadlocks!» The life story of Asha Mandela will pique everyone’s interest

She has been growing her hair for 4️⃣0️⃣ years, so hold your breath before you see her hair now! 🫢😲 Even the Guinness Book of Records named her the one with the longest dreadlocks in the world! 💯👏 Their length is 1️⃣9️⃣.5️⃣ft, can you even imagine it? 🧐🤐 Let’s get to know Asha Mandela in this article! 👇

Today’s interesting article is about an absolutely unique woman who has been named «the one with the longest dreadlocks» according to Guinness World of Records. However astonishing it might seem, she has been growing her hair for 4 decades and here is the jaw-dropping result.

Their length exceeds 19 ft and she claims that she will never ever cut them down. Whenever asked about how she manages with her hair, she admits carrying them on her bag so that they won’t drag on the ground. The woman is unable to keep it up for more than two hours due to their weight.

«I don’t like the term «dreadlocks» because there’s nothing dreadful about my locks.  I call my hair my royal crown of love or my cobra»

She claims that one tip is to keep it clean and nourish it by kissing it and showing it much attention. Her biggest advice is to treat it just like a plant.

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