Man turns an «ugly» stone cottage into a dream tiny house and blows up the network! 😍👏 He shared exclusive photos from the final result which you too can see in this article! 👇👇👇
During his regular walk up the lane, the guy came across a miserable and abandoned stone cottage to which no single one gave a second thought. He became the first one who saw potential in it and purchased ignoring others’ disbelief.
The stone cottage looked «retired» and seemingly had be neglected for at least 50 years. His final goal was to convert it into a dream house and there was nothing that could stop him. He admitted that there was a lot to structural work to be done.
They added new brick stack to the bedroom window frame. The roof in its turn was in a terrible condition and made them make more effort on scaffolding and repairs.
The cottage gradually started to look more like a home and this gave them even more motivation and determination to continue the work. Plasterboard gave it a more completed and welcoming look.
The future house was painted by him and his mother. They chose the white color for the walls so that it looked light and cheery letting more light pour into. It was his father who laid the final cobblestones for the exterior’s finishing touch.
It is worth mentioning that it took the family no less than a year to complete the renovation. They even kept and hanged the photos showing what it looked like before to remind themselves of their priceless work, creativity and skillfulness.
The bedroom features a large bed and is designed in a modern way. The bathroom is quite spacious. It has a shower, toilet, basin, frosted window and a mirror. The kitchen is on the second floor and has everything needed for cooking and eating.
The view in the living-room is simply fantastic. It shows the hill and his neighbor’s wonderful garden. He spent around 196 000 dollars on the restoration including the cost of purchasing it.