Atmospheric wedding photos of the 19th century
The most important and remarkable event in people’s life is, probably, their wedding day. All the people, especially women, always try to find the most spectacular wedding dress, beautiful hairstyle and appropriate location. Weddings have always been placed a significant importance in all times but, of course, there are certain differences between the wedding fashion of today and of that time.
On contrary to traditional style and habits, nowadays, brides can also choose a dress with neckline and other attractive elements.
Unlike contemporaries, the brides in the 19th were distinguished by their chaste modesty.
The wedding dresses were totally closed covering brides from the neck to toe. Yet, so as not to seem so strict, it was diluted with some finishes- some ruffles, drawstrings, flounces and rich embroidery.
In the first half of the 19th century the tradition of having fresh natural flowers was gradually established.
Orange blossoms, rosemary and myrtle were usually used as wedding bouquets.
What is more, this habit is still alive among our contemporaries.
What do you actually think of the fashion of the 19th century?