Translated from Japanese “Yamaneko”-“wild cat”. If this is a characteristic of the acting talent of the cat Yamaneko, than the name is ideal. The Ciberian cat loves to make faces and arrange tragicomedy out of the blue.
The reaction to tasty
The happy sleep
Scrunches the cheese stick
Who has meowed on me?
Strange, so strange!
In ambush
Caught! But its not tasty…
Autumn blues overtook
Yamaneko clean
Rubber band!
Why did you wake me up?
An eye sees, but a tooth doesn’t
Wow what! And give me a little, too?
Siberian breed, furry!
And what are you doing here?
Seems to have found. Its time to hide
An amazingly charismatic cat
What a handsome man, and even so charming! Real talent!