Due to some health problems, the dog was advised not to walk so much, so his owner came up with a great idea

What a wonderful creation!

Meet Sully, a 14 years old adventurous dog, who enjoys to travel with his owners and follow them wherever they go.

Because of his age and a diagnosis of laryngeal paralysis, the vet advised his owner not to allow him to walk so much as it can harm his health.

It confused his daddy named Donny Marchuk, because leaving the poor animal alone at home wouldn’t be right, so he came up with a great idea to make his trips easier and more comfortable.

The man took a typical baby carriage and added ski and snowshoe attachments. The result was wonderful, and with the help of it, Sully continues to have nice journeys with his beloved owners. It’s what he needs!

The cute dog is always in the centre of everyone’s attention. During their trips, people stop to chat with him or his humans and it’s obvious that the doggy enjoys it.

The affectionate canine is so grateful to his human for making his life better and happier.

The family continues to have a great time together and they have many plans for the future.

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