The relationship between the catty and the caring doggy can be described by the word «love»

What an amazing friendship!

If you doubt that dogs and cats can be good friends, this story is for you. Look at these cute photos of Gong, the dog, and Ichimon, the catty, and you’ll understand what the word «love» means.

The catty was put for adoption just after her birth, and fortunately, the cutie was taken by a loving family, who gave her much love and care. The owners of Gong became caring parents for Ichimon, too, and provided her with everything she needed.

The most exciting thing is that the family dog became a guardian for the little catty. Because he had dealt with other cats before, he knew how to take care about felines. Ichimon was lucky enough to be under the strong care of her canine friend, because he was very loving and attentive towards her.

The cats, who were taken care of Gong, got adopted by forever homes, and it’s very stressful for the kind canine. So the parents decided to keep Ichimon next to him, because their bond was very strong.

Now these beauties are inseparable and enjoy having time together.

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