What a wonderful intuition!
When Lily Smith adopted a cute cat named Lucy from the shelter, they became inseparable just from the first day of her arrival. Lucy is very attractive and she loves to be in the centre of attention.
Even those, who don’t like cats, enjoy spending time with Lucy and she always greets their guests with happiness.
The woman and the catty is deeply connected with each other, but their bond became stronger when the woman got pregnant. It seemed that the catty understood everything and was so caring towards her human mother.
It was obvious that Lucy was being prepared for the baby’s arrival. From the fifth month of pregnancy the catty began to collect different types of clothes at night in order to make a beautiful and comfortable nest for the new member.
The most amazing thing was that the animal was doing the work at 4:31 am, and surprisingly the baby was born at 4:13 am. The mother was sure that Lucy was feeling everything.
Finally, the catty met her new sister, but surprisingly she didn’t show any interest in her, which strongly amazed the mother.