A sign language teacher considered to have a pet, who also had hearing problems

Although it is a difficult task to look after the deaf dog, the man decided to adopt him

When a dog named Ardi started to lose his hearing, his family couldn’t correctly look after him and they were forced to take him to the shelter.

Happily the dog soon found his new perfect owner, a sign language teacher, who bad also lost his hearing and left the shelter and got his mew home.

A resident of Florida named Andrew Wilson didn’t want to bring a dog home when he went to the shelter that day.

He went to just look at the animals and maybe choose a dog to adopt. But the result appeared absolutely different.

“I was happily welcomed by Ardi. He let me pet him and when I turned to go he approached me and calmly barked, asking me to take him with me.

Andrew was touched. The man decided to adopt the dog after a few hours and he told shelter workers he want to take Ardi.

Although it’s a difficulty task to look after a deaf dog Andrew is certified in it.

The dog later has been named Appa and is learning sign language under his control. Andrew also told, that Appa already knows some words in sign language and is readily learning the others.

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