A kind man built a heated home for a stray cat mother and her kitten

The wild cat family, that won’t allow people touch them 

A few years ago Maria Cassano discovered a homeless cat carrying a kitten through her father’s Long Island property.

She was worried, that the cat, whom she named Mama didn’t get enough food she wouldn’t be able to make milk for her baby. Her father didn’t like feeding homeless cats in the area, but Cassano was able to persuade him.

Mama’s small kitten was adopted by a neighbour, but the girl continued to put free meals for other wild cat living in the neighbourhood. Mama was very thankful for the food, but they began to worry for her safety in the cold.

Cassano’s father decided to built her own cozy cat home.

“My father is very talented, although he didn’t like having a cat in the house he is still very kind man, who loves to assist. When his girlfriend and I told him about our worried for the cat surviving the winter, he went and bought the components for a heated cat home, covered it with waterproof materials and established it.”

Soon after Mama gave birth to her second kitten and Cassano’s father decided to put a camera inside the cat house to make sure they were getting safe every night.

Cassano caught Mama and her kitten and took them to the shelter to be vaccinated and spayed. “It was autumn and the shelter told, that it was okay for Mama to return to her house, but the kitten was still very young and wouldn’t survive the winter outside.”

Cassano raised the kitty and adopted him into a caring family. And also Mama wasn’t alone for a long time, especially when Cassanos’ backyard had many amazing things to offer.

Mam now spends most of her time with two other cats named Inky and Finky.

Cassano didn’t have an idea of domesticating the small wild family, but she is happy to give them a safe home.

“They won’t let us touch them or approach, but they knew us, live with us in the backyard and also come to the window when they’re hungry.”

“Over the years we have purchased more houses and cat houses, so all of our residents can have a cozy and warm place.”

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