Sweet cow coloured kittens were found without their mother and were able to become healthy and beautiful

The kittens were adopted and had loving families

Animal rights activists from North Carolina found a trio of kittens. The poor babies had cow colouring and were so small, that they hadn’t yet opened their eyes and needed bottle feeding and 24 hours care.

The kittens were quickly placed in an incubator to keep normal body temperature. The poor kittens were trying to live without their mother’s milk, but an experienced caregiver named Sarah Kelly came to help them.

She kept them warm, fed all day long and gave them lots of soft toys. The kittens started gaining weight.

The kittens were named after desserts Graham, Marshmallow and Hershey. And after a few days their eyes were finally opened and they could see what was going around them.

The kittens were insatiable waters, Sarah hardly had time to fill the bottles.

When she fed one of them the other two started shouting. The kittens were able to become big and strong at such a young age.

The most sleepy of them was Marshmallow, while Graham was the team’s loudest talker.

After eating they played for some time then went to sleep together.

Marshmallow was the calmest of all, while Graham is the one, who always has something to say loudly, especially during the feeding time.

Hershey is the oldest, that the other two deify. “She thought Graham how to clean his pink fingertips by licking them.” Sarah told.

Sarah’s cat Tio has always loved kittens and offered his heart to the kittens.

“They adored hugging and sunbathing with their elder brother Tio.” Sarah told.

Hershey adores Tio and went under his cat tree.

Sweet babies are already fully grown up and after two months in foster care they will be ready for adoption.

Thanks to the rescuers and volunteers the kittens were able to be surrounded with love and affection.

They were all adopted and could spend their lives in the loving families.

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