The way the deer dances when he meets his new fellow ideally shows his excitement.
Animals never cease to amaze us with their sudden reactions to events, situations as well as people.
From time to time, they respond with truly amazing horses from different species and I have to admit it’s a lot of fun. I am always happy when there is someone nearby who captures these incredible seconds.
This clip shows a rather infrequent “amazing connection” between a dog and a deer meeting for the premier time. Since this was their first encounter, their curiosity was as obvious as their excitement for a new companion.
The way the deer excitedly welcomed the dog in the stream was amazing.
While the dog seemed rather cold during their encounter, just wagging his tail, the deer seemed unrestrained, joyful to see his new companion.
Possibly this deer had never met a dog before, he just saw him as a member of the gang, and he had the desire to play as well as make friends.
To our delight, the dog’s master took the time to record this unique meeting with the deer.
The way the deer dances when he meets his new fellow ideally shows his excitement.
The master of the dog was astonished by the reaction of the deer, seeing that these two animals are very fast as well as ideal at the first meeting.