How is the life of a married couple in which the wife is 53 years older than her husband

Amazing couple! The wife is 53 years older than her husband

We’ve all heard the saying, “Love conquers all ages,” but few of us take it seriously.

The photo shows Almede Errelli, 72, and Gary Herdwick, 19. Their acquaintance happened at the funeral of the youngest son of a woman. Gary said that he fell in love with his future wife from the first time they met.

The woman was beside herself with grief. Gary, along with other family and friends, came over to offer her condolences and support. And after some time, scrolling through the events of that day in his mind, he realised that he had fallen in love without memory.

“The first thing that attracted me to Almeda was her beautiful blue eyes,” says Gary. And, of course, her character. We get along really well and we have real chemistry.”

Their next meeting was at Chuck E Cheese, where they were both invited by Almeda’s son’s widowed wife. And this was the beginning of their stormy and impetuous romance.

“If you love someone, age means nothing, says Almeda. – When we met at Chuck E Cheese, I immediately fell in love with him. I realised that this is the person I want to spend the rest of my life with.”

Almeda hesitated for a long time, but in the end she reciprocated the guy. Native women could not understand her act and simply stopped communicating with her until she “changed her mind”.

However, the woman has been happy with her young chosen one for more than a year and is not going to leave him at all.

Almeda admits that Gary’s love seemed to give her a second youth and helped her find a new meaning in life.

At first, the couple carefully concealed their relationship from loved ones, as they feared their negative reaction, and for good reason.

Almeda’s relatives gave her an ultimatum that they would not communicate with her until she left the guy.


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