Everyone closed their eyes out of embarrassment as they saw a 9️⃣0️⃣-kilo model show up in a Victoria’s Secret show!🫣 Yes, you guessed it right – this is Ashley Graham! 😏💯 The star drops everyone’s jaws with her MASSIVE curves and cellulite which the attendees simply couldn’t unsee!😬😱 See the article for the photos!👇
Ashley Graham is among the most popular, successful and influential models. Being plus-size and having such extraordinary appearance have made her one of the most in-demand stars in the big world of fashion. Her unparalleled charisma has always set her apart making the star one of a kind. Probably, the biggest achievement throughout her career was featuring the Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Issue.
Graham is most famous for being an ambassador of body positivity and the one who encourages others to embrace their natural beauty and accept the way they are without taking an attempt to meet beauty standards. She is the one who could showcase her body so that everyone could admire her curves and extra kilos instead of judging her non-standard looks calling them her flaws or imperfections.
Recently, the model has graced the runway of a Victoria’s Secret Show wearing black lace bodysuit and matching wings. Her comeback to the fashion show has actively been discussed and received mixed reactions. While her loyal fans still found her appealing and irreplaceable as usual, the others found her performance in the prestigious show inappropriate claiming that her cellulite, huge thighs and sagging breasts ruined the event.