«The 80s’ disco star hits her 57!» This is how years have changed Carolina Muller known as C. C. Catch

The world knows her for her songs «I Can Lose My Heart Tonight» and «’Cause You Are Young» which became hits in the 1️⃣9️⃣8️⃣0️⃣s! 🎤🎶Back then, millions adored this Dutch-born German disco star! 🤌🫠 Carolina Muller, known as C. C. Catch, is going to turn 5️⃣7️⃣ this year! 😲🤯 Check out her recent photos in this article! 👇

However hard it is to believe, this legendary disco star is going to celebrate her 57th birthday this year. She is a Dutch-born German pop singer who moved to Germany and her incredible talent and potential were acknowledged from her early age. She started to take part in talent contests and soon became a household name.

Few know that her real name is Carolina Muller. Her hit singles became true classics of the time and include «’Cause You Are Young» and «Heaven and Hell» which catapulted her to overall fame and recognition. Her great role in the music industry can’t even be questioned.

Despite already approaching her 60, she still appears as a well-groomed, nice-looking and charismatic woman who keeps delighting large audiences with her enthusiasm and unfading energy. One may say that all these years seem to have never passed for her.

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