People called her an icon back in the 1️⃣9️⃣7️⃣0️⃣s who played in «Bonnie and Clyde» and «Mommie Dearest»! 🎬💥 The once hottest Hollywood star has already celebrated her 8️⃣2️⃣nd birthday, can you believe? 😏 You had better sit down before you see her latest photos in this article! 👇
There is hardly anyone who will question her identity. Here is Faye Dunaway, one of the true beauty legends of the time, whose role in the industry is remarkable for her portrayals in «Mommie Dearest», «Bonnie and Clyde» and «Network».
Her breathtaking performances, iconic roles and unparalleled charisma will hardly be overestimated. Especially her portrayal of Joan is particularity intense and captivates millions of viewers. Though it brought her career into a new level, the star later admitted regretting the impact it had on public perceptions.
Dunaway was lucky enough to play alongside J. Depp, K. Douglas and many other notable figures. She avoided any off-screen contact and chemistry between the co-stars and colleagues remaining fully focused on her career achievements.
What concerns her personal life, she was in a relationship with Italian actor M. Mastroianni whom she candidly described as a man who made her feel deeply protected. She was previously married to musician P. Wolf and photographer T. O’Neill.