«Who saved Alain Delon’s life?»: The secret story behind the actor’s bond with his Japanese nurse

Have you seen the woman who saved Alain Delon’s life? 🧐🤔 Here is the actor’s Japanese nurse who made him change his mind about leaving the world! 😮🫢

Few know that this legendary film star had desire for euthanasia since he thought he already had nothing to expect from this life. The actor had no hope anymore and decided that the end of his life had already came.

However, his encounter with a Japanese woman who became his nurse completely changed his life. Her name is Hiromi and she made the man change his mind. The actor fell deeply in love with her and now didn’t want to leave this world anymore.

The man could never even think that he would fall in love again at this age. They started a romantic relationship and their bond gradually became more publicized. The woman seemed to be in a hurry wanted to legalize their relationship.

The actor gradually grew isolated from his family and friends. She even took his phone. It should be mentioned that through his dog’s collar he sent a message «Save me».

It now became clear that Hiromi was interested in his fortune and wanted to take everything from him. Soon, the actor’s children determined to take legal action against her.

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