Many rushed to criticize actress Marcia Cross for her obsession with plastic surgeries
Shortly after the popular TV series «Desperate Housewives», incredibly talented and successful actress Marcia Cross dedicated herself to the family life. At the age of 45 in 2007, she had twins (Savannah and Eden) with the help of a surrogate mother.
The prominent actress appears in the spotlight of the paparazzi from time to time and Cross’s recent photos showing her loading the car after shopping didn’t let anyone remain indifferent.
Many experts could clearly notice the results of Botox injections and a number of plastic surgeries on the well-known actress’s face claiming that even its shape has been changed.
While there have been negative comments and criticism from millions, Cross doesn’t really care about what others think of her. She doesn’t take the rumors into consideration at all.
Have you watched the series «Desperate Housewives»? Are you a fan of this actress?