Adopters waited a day at the shelter to adopt a dog who was a desirable pet for many people

The dog with a unique look was the couple’s wedding gift!

Meet this pretty dog with a cute appearance that attracts hundreds of people from all over the world. The cutie has a heart-shaped mark on his breast.

When his photo was shared on social media, a great number of people applied for adoption.

But there was a family, who was strongly attracted by the cutie and came from far away to the shelter to adopt him.

But they couldn’t adopt him at once and had to wait for a day until all the documents would be ready. The adopters decided to stay at the shelter that night thinking that if they returned home without the dog, they would lose him forever.

The next day everything was ready for the dog’s adoption and the staff did its best to speed up the process because they were excited by the family’s action.

The dog was adopted by a loving couple who were about to get married, and for whom he was the best gift.

For them the dog’s heart-shaped mark symbolised their love and devotion and they were sure that the cutie’s arrival would fill their life with love and happiness.

The staff was also confident that their beloved dog will be in safe hands and will get what he needs.

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