16 legendary stars’ archival photos showing them during their school years
We should always bear in our mind that well-known and successful people are not born. They themselves, thanks to their high potential, great talent, diligent work and outstanding appearance, manage to become overall-known and demanded celebrities. However, there is an exception when people are hereditary born famous and honorable. It is needless to say that many have been wondering how their beloved idols used to look in their childhood. Would you recognize all of them?
Believe it or not, this little boy in uniform is Tom Cruise.
Here is Samuel L. Jackson!
Did you recognize Tom Hanks?
Who, do you think, this handsome curly-haired man is? He is actually Steven Seagal.
It turned out that Diaz and Snoop Dog attended the same school! Wow!
This nice schoolboy with a French horn is brilliant and legendary actor Ewan McGregor.
Ryan Reynolds successfully caught fish! Our congrats!
Meet Meryl Streep in a cheerleader outfit at high school.
How hard it is to believe that it is George Clooney!
Still not bald and the superstar of “The Fast and the Furious”, Vin Diesel.
Was it easy for you to recognize Madonna?
Here is Brad Pitt, still having no idea what a drizzling career was impatiently waiting for him in the near future.
This is legendary Marilyn Manson in his school years!
Meet legendary Courteney Cox in youth!
Here is Matthew McConaughey who has always had a charming and attractive smile!
In his youth, Van Damme could still boast on his muscles and athletic body.
How many celebrities did you manage to recognize? Share it in the comment section!