The life story of a Soviet girl, Mila Kunis who conquered the American cinema
For millions of people, becoming a worldwide famous and successful Hollywood celebrity is a cherished dream. Some simply dream of it without even imagining themselves in that role, whereas others do absolutely everything possible in order to make their dream come true, clarify and realize their life goals. Today’s heroine’s name who managed to become a demanded Hollywood star attracting the American film industry is Milena Kunis who was born on the 14th of August, 1983 in Chernivsti, USSR, which is currently a part of Ukraine. After some time, the girl’s family decided to move from the USSR to America.
In 1993 Milena started to attend an acting school and already succeeded in acting in commercials. In 1998, the girl was offered one of the main roles in “That 70s Show” after which the Soviet girl gained world fame and popularity.
In 2001, when she was still 18, Kunis managed to brilliantly take part in Love Virus. Then Mila had roles in “Extract”, “Max Payne” as well as “Black Swan” with N. Portman and V. Cassel.
The Soviet girl became a popular Hollywood star conquering the world of cinema in the US.
The woman has been quite successful in her personal life as well. She dated M. Culkin until 2010. Then Mila married A. Kutcher with whom she is still absolutely happy and raises their two adorable kids.
Recently, accompanied with her beloved husband, Kunis visited her homeland and had a meeting with the president of Ukraine and his wife.