The star from “The Taming of the Shrew” turned 64: How does the legendary actress look now?

This is how Ornella Muti, the star of “The Taming of the Shrew” now looks

Iconic actress O. Muti started to gain world fame and popularity after the release of the legendary and beloved film “The Taming of the Shrew”.

It is needless to say that the woman possesses unearthly beauty and has to be grateful to her genes and nature for her admirable appearance.

During her youth years, Muti used to win millions of male hearts and was surrounded with numerous fans and suiters. Today, despite being already 64, the cult actress still looks simply amazing and gorgeous.

The woman successfully managed to maintain her unrealistic beauty, charm, attractiveness and, of course, charisma over the years.

What an admirable smile, heavenly beautiful eyes and impressive facial features she possesses!

What concerns the actress’s staple diet, the woman has long limited herself in fast food as well as alcohol and confessed that exactly due to this factor she succeeded in keeping her mind-blowing figure.

As she mentions, any woman can look beautiful and attractive even at her 60s. They simply need not to forget about taking care of themselves and being happy.

Have you watched the film?

She is absolutely beautiful, isn’t she?

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