This is what happened to David Copperfield after his tricks were disclosed
There was a time when David Copperfield was well-known and popular all over the world. His performances were so gripping and fascinating that his audience watched them without a break. Yet, now not many people can recognize the beloved and successful illusionist.
How did he become an illusionist?
Copperfield was first taught by his talented grandfather was who a card player. The boy started to surprise his neighbors with some card tricks and he really liked that.
He certainly knew that he wanted to build a career of a professional illusionist and started to attend one of the American illusionary schools, where he studied for 6 years. When the young boy’s talent was witnessed, he was soon invited to television.
David was loved and praised by many people, but the illusionist had the aim to gain world fame and popularity. He started to organize TV shows and programs on his own and was well-known with the nickname “Copperfield”. This profession was his obsession and the beloved hobby at the same time. He sometimes had several performances a day.
Copperfield refused to comment on some rumors about his private life in order to maintain people’s curiosity and intrigue towards his personality. It had long been discussed that he dated Claudia Schiffer but it wasn’t actually true.
Once his tricks were disclosed, people didn’t want to come to his performances anymore.
The substantial sum of money he earned due to his tricks was invested in his properties on island from where he currently gets profits.
With his daughter
Little do we know about his private life at this moment. The only thing of which we are aware is that the ex-illusionist lives on the island with his family.
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