The main character of the film “Avatar” in real life
This young Canadian man has always suffered from low self-esteem and not being so self-confident. He was, in fact, quite a handsome young man, but he didn’t really think he was nice and attractive and was constantly depressed and anxious.
The things started this way. Once his sister painted a part of his leg blue, somehow the young man felt much happier than before. He got very curious and determined to take some action instead of hesitating or overthinking.
Gradually, the guy painted his whole body with blue paint with the help of numerous tattoos posting the pictures of his new body on the media and gaining many followers.
Currently, the man has many fans, but he is heavily criticized at the same time. Yet, the most important thing was completed: he is eventually happy and self-confident. He started to earn much money as well due to his popular Instagram account.
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