Have you ever wondered why everyday items like light switches turn yellow? 🤔🟡 No matter how often we clean them, the yellow tint is something we can’t avoid! 😬😡 There is one solution which will fix this forever making them white again! 🤩💯 You all can get it from pharmacies! 👌 Do you want to know what it is? 🤫🤨 If yes, then I will tell you in this article! 👇
The other day, I removed a label from my sewing machine, only to notice a stark contrast—the area beneath was bright white, while the rest of the surface had turned an unappealing yellow. It made me realize just how much everyday objects fade over time, even when cleaned regularly.
That moment reminded me of a conversation I once had with someone who installs plastic windows. He mentioned that window sills could be restored to their original whiteness using a certain solution—Dimexide, a product available at pharmacies.
My attention then shifted to the old light switches and outlets in my home. They had been there since the house was built, faithfully serving us for 15 years. While still functioning perfectly, they had developed a deep yellow tint. Over time, we replaced most of them, but a few remained.
Curious to test this method, I purchased a bottle of Dimexide for 55 rubles. I wasn’t expecting any miraculous results, but I figured it was worth a try.
Testing the Method
Dimexide is a clear, odorless liquid. I poured some onto a napkin and gently wiped the surface of a yellowed switch. To my amazement, with each pass, the plastic grew noticeably whiter.
Within minutes, the switch looked significantly cleaner—no other product I’ve used has ever worked this effectively on plastic.
The process requires minimal effort, but there are a few precautions to keep in mind:
Placing paper around the switch prevents any liquid from seeping into the wallpaper. If it does get on the wall, however, it evaporates without leaving stains.
For the best results, unscrewing the plastic covers and cleaning them separately is ideal.
The yellow residue transfers onto the cloth, making it easy to see just how much grime is being removed.
Since Dimexide is quite strong, it can be diluted with equal parts water while still maintaining its effectiveness.
Wearing gloves is recommended, as the solution is harsh on the skin—I noticed my hands felt dry after using it.
What Is Dimexide?
After seeing how well it worked, I became curious about what Dimexide was originally meant for. It turns out that it’s actually a medical treatment used for inflammation and pain relief.
Yet in the household, it has an unexpected bonus—it erases years of yellowing from plastic, making old surfaces look brand new again.