Unlikely Trio: Zookeeper’s Dog Forms Inseparable Bond with Lion and Tiger, Defying Expectations and Captivating Hearts

The strangest, yet sweetest friendship ever 🤗🥹

Meet 26-year-old Lakshmi, a brave girl, who had a big dream: she always wanted to become an animal specialist, and luckily, she achieved her goal and now works at the zoo as a zookeeper.

She adores animals, so being among them is a great pleasure for her. Even she introduced her lovely pet to two wild animals, a lion and a tiger, and now they share a strong friendship.

Although many around her are against her decision to become a specialist in this field, she has never regretted her choice and now enjoys every task she does.

She has a dog, whom she can’t live alone at home all day long, so she dared to bring him with her to her workplace and it turned out to be much more fantastic. Her dog, a sweet lion and tiger became inseparable friends. They enjoy to spend much time together and really adore each other.

Not only the owner, but also the whole staff was surprised by their bond, because such things can happen rarely.

It’s obvious that the dog feels great with them, in spite of their big difference.

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