A pregnant cat, who was very glad to have a new family

A caring mother cat, who did all the mother duties for her kitties 

An expectant cat was brought to the shelter in Virginia. The cat desired to have a better life when she first saw her foster family and she immediately fell in love with them.

The pregnant cat immediately showed, that she needed a lot of attention and love from her career. The cat was overjoyed to have a new home and a lot of food.

She would cuddle up to her foster mother named Abi and wave her tiny paws, as she adored Abi. She was absolutely overjoyed and purred with delight having the best family she desired, that gave her everything she wanted every morning.

Ficky was happy in the nest, that was organized just for her. The cat was happy as her mother was helping her to give birth to six gorgeous kitties.

Ficky began to be a caring mother for her kktties, giving them milk, cleaning and doing other mother tasks. Mothers carry on to be mothers.


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