A sweet love story of a cat, who found new loving owners after being abandoned

A poor cat living in the cold 

One fluffy Ragdoll cat’s owners moved and abandoned him, he felt like he’d never find love again. He wandered in his neighbourhood’s cold streets. In a crazy quest for food and warmth he went from one garbage can to the next. But happily these days didn’t last long.

The stray and poor little cat appeared on one of his neighbours doorsteps. The woman, who recognized him took him in, despite her husband’s allergy to cats.

He organized a comfortable warm bed for the kitty in her garage to be as far from her husband as possible. She knew it was just a temporary situation. Fortunately she had a really good plan.

Debbie Harris is the best cat lover according to workers at the woman’s job. For more than ten years Harris fostered many cats. And just one photo of Ragdoll was enough for her to adopt him.

Harris took the cat to the vet and got all the necessary vaccinations. Although she lived for some time on the street the cat had a surprisingly good health.

The woman decided to name him Valentino, as she got him around Valentine’s day and he was a real lover. Valentino adores spending his days in his new owner’s arms. He showed his thankfulness for his caring and generous owner.

The Ragdoll’s previous owners left him, it was obvious they never loved him. Thanks to his caring neighbour and his new loving mother he gets everything he deserves.

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