After having a hard life the cat finally got a loving owner

The world is a better place thanks to caring people

A kind woman, who is worried about the fate of our younger brothers placed an ad on Avito for a cat, that she wanted to give to goof hands. The woman, that discovered her on the street treated her well and now she is looking for nee owners for her.

Marina Burkhanova replied to her ad. They finally decided to pass the cat from hand to hand.

The cat’s life wasn’t an easy one. She was adopted by a man, who turned out to he not a responsible owner. When he wanted to move, he just placed the cat outside the door and walked away. And the poor animal didn’t know how to survive alone.

When the caring woman found her she was nearly dead. Happily all id well with the fluffy one, as her new owner has a kind heart.

The first few weeks were full of surprises. The cat at first wanted to flee and hid in the most difficult to reach places. But all of it is behind us now. The kitten was named Saba, she began to love her owner and stopped hiding from her.

Saba is healthy and well thanks to caring people in the world.

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